
Psychotic disorder

What is a psychotic disorder?

It is a brief or persistent affectation or deterioration of thought, which supposes a break with reality or an erroneous interpretation of it.



Types of Psychotic Disorder

Psychoses of group of schizophrenias

The psychoses of the group of schizophrenias exist various subtypes such as paranoid, catatonic, simple, hebephrenic or disorganized, and residual.


Persistent paranoid or delusional disorder

In paranoid disorder, the patient presents a chronic delusional pathology.

Schizoaffective disorder

Schizophrenic disorder together with depression or mania.

Brief reactive psychoses


Psychotic disorder - Questions and answers

In our center, we combine psychiatric medical help and psychotherapy along with healthy lifestyle activities aimed at seeking emotional stability.

If you are interested in receiving information about our treatments and therapies for any type of disorder, please contact us by completing the form and we will provide you with all the necessary information from one of our psychiatrists.

  • Psychosis of the group of schizophrenias. Basically it is an entity in which delusions and hallucinations occur (those of the auditory type are the most frequent). Also phenomena of thought in which the patient feels that her thoughts have been stolen, that someone can read them or even that they are forced to think in a certain way. But also symptoms that we call negative, such as affective flattening, anhedonia (inability to enjoy), relational withdrawal, apathy and sometimes thought blocks. Unfortunately, in many cases, the patient lacks awareness of the disease and does not believe that they need any treatment. Naturally, as with any medical and psychiatric illness as well, the sooner the disorder is detected and treated, the better the prognosis. This pathology often entails significant behavioral disorders, among which aggressiveness, self-harm, work and social failure and a long etcetera stand out.
  • Persistent paranoid or delusional disorder. the patient presents a chronic delusional pathology but without other associated symptoms such as hallucinations or thought phenomena alien to the self that are common in schizophrenic psychosis. Thus, it is worth highlighting the delusion of jealousy, the delusion of persecution, the querulous, the hypochondriac or the megalomaniac. It is also common for the patient's personality to remain intact except in relation to his delusional pathology and it often happens that the patient can continue to perform well even in his work activity.
  • Schizoaffective disorder. Affective symptoms (of depression or mania) occur at the same time along with those of schizophrenia.
  • Brief reactive psychoses. It is a picture that sometimes presents symptoms of schizophrenia, generally as a result of an external trigger and that has a short duration and good response to treatment.

Each disease that includes a psychotic disorder has its most determining cause, so in schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and brief psychotic episode the cause would be the presence of environmental factors



Do you need more information about this type of disorder? Send us the following form and we will contact you.